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  • Grounded Energy Meditation

    Feel more calm, at peace and grounded in your body and leave any stress, overwhelm or worry behind.

  • Friday: Walking Meditation

    Move into a present, grateful and calm state with this Mindful Walking Meditation!

  • SWK Ease into Acceptance

    Shift into a softened state of acceptance so that you can feel at ease and in flow as you strive for your dreams, goals and desires.

  • Monday: Peace + Pride Meditation

    We often get so caught up with how far we think we need to go, we forget to take pause and acknowledge ourselves for how far we have come. Breathe into affirmations that will help you do just that, because you should be proud of yourself.

  • Energy Renewal Meditation

    Cut the cords and reclaim your power back from the people, experiences, feelings and beliefs that are holding you back from moving forward into a more fulfilling, joyous, healthy, happy, successful life.

  • Power of the Present Moment Meditation

    Practice staying in the present moment and gently coming back to it when you get pulled away by thought. All of your power is in the present moment. Anxiety, doubt, worry, fear all live in the past or future. The more you practice being present, the more you practice being in your power.


  • Monday: Empowered Mindset Meditation *new*

    'Today is going to be a good day' with this empowering affirmation meditation that will get you feeling good and ready to take on the day!

  • Sexy & in Shaep Meditation *new*

    Walk into a sexier, healthier, in shaep version of yourself while trusting your body's wisdom and making a commitment to stay accountable and consistent with self care and self love.