WEEK 3 - November Challenge
Week 3 Butt + Abs!! We're half way 💪🏼. Follow each series in order Monday-Sunday with Saturday being a rest day (no scheduled video - we recommend an outdoor activity!)
Mindfulness series are scheduled everyday but if you can't commit to that, aim for at least 3-4 series weekly.
Monday: Butt & Abs Sculpt *new* & Meditate
Tuesday: Mobility + Weighted Abs
Wednesday: 35 Min Full Body Sculpt + Meditate
Thursday: Pilates Tone + Flow *new*
Friday: 25 Min Lower Body Sculpt + Meditate
Saturday: 30/60 Min Outdoor Walk/Run
Sunday: 13 Min Power Abs
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support [email protected]. Happy moving, breathing and healthy eating beauties xx
Energy Upgrade Meditation
Cleanse away what isn’t serving you, and renew yourself with what will!
Friday: 33 Min Butt & Abs
Tone and strengthen your legs, butt and core with this spicy sculpt series! No warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended equipment: booty band, ankle weights, dumbbells or weighted objects
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.co...
Breathwork: Positive Energy
Come back to this practice each time you need a boost of positive energy. This practice is intended for the morning time, so that you can set your intention for joy and positivity for the day ahead.
14 Min Desk Chair Stretch
Stretch it out + release tension in the full body midday right from your desk or at home! Recommended for all fitness levels, series is body weight.
*music included*
Recommended props: chair
14 Min Weighted Abs
Strengthen and sculpt your core with this weighted abs series!
*music included*
Recommended equipment: light/medium dumbbell
Breathwork: Daily Aura Cleanse
This breathing style will help to cleanse and purify your aura, setting strong boundaries and protecting your energy.
35 Min Full Body Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects and ankle weights are optional
Hypnosis: Mind Relationship w/ Food
Listen along to this hypnosis session to foster a healthy relationship with food and your body image. We should try to look at food for all the goodness that it brings into our lives and try to get rid of the guilt and fear that many of us feel. Food is primarily our body’s fuel, but it is so muc...
36 Min Tone & Flow
Tone and flow your way through a low impact, body weight series strengthening mind + body!
*music included*
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights
Quick Rest & Relax Meditation
A quick full body scan meditation so you feel peace and calm as you take on the day.
25 Min Lower Body Sculpt
Lower body series focussed on sculpting and strengthening the legs, booty and thighs! No warmup or cooldown included.
***NEW: exercises listed in the first 10 seconds for anyone who does not want to follow along!
Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
Music and exerc...
Friday: Just Breathe Meditation
A chance for you to connect to your body, breath and the calm and clarity of the present moment
Sunday: 13 Min Power Abs
Snatch up the waistline and burn out the core with this 8 min power ab series! This series is done bodyweight, no equipment needed.
*music and exercise list included*
Roasted Squash & Arugula Salad
255 KB
Air Fryer Blackened Salmon Bites
205 KB
Creamy Blueberry Vanilla Cream Protein Oats
292 KB