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  • Protect Your Energy Meditation

    Protect your mind, body and spirit so that no matter what is happening in the world around you, you will maintain a peaceful state within you.

  • Friday: Regulate & Relax Meditation *new*

    Shift into a healing state with a breathing technique that will stimulate your vagus nerve and have you feeling calm, safe, at peace and ready to take on even the most hectic of days.

  • Quick Rest & Relax Meditation

    A quick full body scan meditation so you feel peace and calm as you take on the day.

  • Friday: Confidence Boost Meditation

    Breathe into a more confident, empowered self with this solar plexus focused meditation. Allow the 369hz frequencies wash over you and help move any stuck or stagnant energy in your solar plexus, your power centre, while also activating your inner strength.

  • Body Positivity Meditation

    Soften into deeper acceptance and appreciation for this miraculous vessel you're in as you work towards your health and wellness goals.

  • Sexy & in Shaep Meditation

    Walk into a sexier, healthier, in shaep version of yourself while trusting your body's wisdom and making a commitment to stay accountable and consistent with self care and self love.

  • Empowered Mindset Meditation

    'Today is going to be a good day' with this empowering affirmation meditation that will get you feeling good and ready to take on the day!

  • Power of the Present Moment Meditation

    Practice staying in the present moment and gently coming back to it when you get pulled away by thought. All of your power is in the present moment. Anxiety, doubt, worry, fear all live in the past or future. The more you practice being present, the more you practice being in your power.


  • Energy Renewal Meditation

    Cut the cords and reclaim your power back from the people, experiences, feelings and beliefs that are holding you back from moving forward into a more fulfilling, joyous, healthy, happy, successful life.

  • Friday: Release & Reset Meditation

    Harness the power of your breath to release any stuck, stagnant or heavy energy so you can make space to invite in more empowering and calming resources to help you show up in your day, and life, from a higher state of being.

  • Too Blessed to be Stressed Meditation

    Walk away from any stress, worry or overwhelm by filling yourself with the frequency of gratitude and appreciation.

    Managing stress levels, increasing your energetic frequency and moving your physical body, shifts your body into a powerful healing state. You get all these benefits in this medit...

  • Magic Moment Meditation

    What you create and attract tomorrow, depends on what you think, feel and believe today. So take this chance to get back into the magic moment so you can unlock more health, wealth and happiness...because you are oh so worthy!

  • Magic Vision Meditation

    An opportunity to envision + begin to embody a more aligned version of yourself.

  • Acceptance + Appreciation Meditation

    Breathe into a space of acceptance and appreciation for who and where you are, while fuelling your commitment to yourself, your health and your goals.

  • Say Yes to Yourself Meditation

    Slow down and take a few minutes for yourself to feel more peace and calm on those busy and hectic days so you can get it all done with more grace and flow

  • Monday: Power of Presence Meditation

    Breathe into the power, possibility, peace and potential of the present moment

  • Friday: Fall back into Flow Meditation

  • Goal Digger Meditation

    Get even closer to, and feel safe in the process of, achieving your goals with this quick and powerful visualization.

  • Faith + Trust Meditation

    Breathe into feelings of faith and trust for yourself and your journey with a series of empowering statements and affirmations.

  • New Me Meditation

    Visualize and embody the version of yourself that you wish to be with this empowering meditation!

  • Cleansing + Clearing Meditation

    This meditation and visualization will help clear and cleanse your mind, body and soul to make space, release what is not serving you and fuel you with the resources you need at this time.

  • Frequency of Self Love

    This heart expanding meditation will have you overflowing with the frequency of love, and in turn, you will bask in the light and radiance of your own heart and love...because you are oh so worthy.

  • Renewed Self Meditation

    This powerful breathing technique will help you release what isn't serving you and receive the resources you need to feel renewed and realigned.

  • Serotonin Boost Meditation

    A guided meditation to boost your mood and emotional energy for the day with a simple practice you can do anytime, anywhere.