WEEK 2 - November Challenge

WEEK 2 - November Challenge

Hello week 2 Butt + Abs! How's it going!? Follow each series in order Monday-Sunday with Saturday being a rest day (no scheduled video - we recommend an outdoor activity!)

Mindfulness series are scheduled everyday but if you can't commit to that, aim for at least 3-4 series weekly.

Monday: 28 Min Booty Cardio Sculpt + Meditate
Tuesday: Mobility + Abs OR 8am Live Workout
Wednesday: Full Body Sculpt *new* + Meditate
Thursday: 32 Min Inner & Outter Thigh *new*
Friday: 47 Min Lower Body Sculpt *new* + Meditate
Saturday: 30/60 Min Outdoor Walk/Run
Sunday: 16 Min Weighted abs *new* + Meditate

Tuesday 8am ET Live Workout Link: https://www.amazon.com/live/broadcast/57dd37a5-a9bc-4a60-8273-7d27d1603906?tag=kelseyroseher-20&linkCode=ilv&ref_=social

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support [email protected]. Happy moving, breathing and healthy eating beauties xx

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WEEK 2 - November Challenge
  • Confidence Boost Meditation

    Breathe into a more confident, empowered self with this solar plexus focused meditation. Allow the 369hz frequencies wash over you and help move any stuck or stagnant energy in your solar plexus, your power centre, while also activating your inner strength.

  • 28 Min Booty Cardio Sculpt

    Sweat, shake and tone your lower body with this booty focussed series. Prepared to be SORE! Recommended for all fitness levels, no warmup or cooldown included.

    *Music and exercise list included*

    Recommended equipment: Booty band. medium dumbbell or household weighted object

  • Breathwork: Vortex Breath

    A quick but profound breathing technique to get you into a state of focus and meditation. Best used right before getting into a meditative state.

  • 20 Min Morning Stretch + Abs

    Start your day with an intentional series focussed on waking up the mind, body + soul. Recommended for all fitness levels + pre/post natal. Series is done body weight.

    *music included*

  • Hypnosis: Motivation & Confidence

    We can all use a little helpful nudge with our confidence and motivation. This hypnosis recording will guide you through a session to do just that. It is accompanied by sound waves at 888hz which is associated with abundance, prosperity, and karma - what we put in the world is what will come back...

  • 32 Min Full Body Sculpt

    Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.

    *music included*

    Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects, booty band, ankle weights

  • Body Positivity Meditation

    Soften into deeper acceptance and appreciation for this miraculous vessel you're in as you work towards your health and wellness goals.

  • 32 Min Inner + Outter Thighs

    Tone and sculpt your inner and outer thighs with this highly requested series! No warmup or cooldown included. Recommended for all fitness levels.

    *music included*

    Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light/medium set of weights

  • Wednesday: Breathwork: End of Day Release

    A practice designed to intentionally help you wind down at the end of the day. A simple breathing cadence + reflection questions.

  • 47 Min Lower Body Sculpt

    Fire up the booty and legs with this lower body sculpt series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.

    *music included*

    Recommended Equipment: Medium dumbbells, booty band

  • EFT For Lucky Girl Syndrome

    Hot tip: every one of us can access our inner lucky charms through our beliefs. I am obsessed with this 5-minute tapping series because you will be convinced by the end of it that you have been magically blessed with a sudden case of lucky girl syndrome.

  • 14 Min Weighted Abs

    Strengthen and sculpt your core with this weighted abs series!

    *music included*

    Recommended equipment: light/medium dumbbell

  • Za'atar Drumsticks with Cauliflower & Arugula

    307 KB

  • Sausage Stuffed Butternut Squash

    340 KB

  • Spicy Shredded Brussels Sprouts & Eggs

    277 KB

  • Mocha Smoothie

    216 KB

  • Veggie Sushi Spring Rolls

    279 KB