26 Min Banded Abs + Booty
Burnout the booty and the core with this bodyweight banded killer series! Recommended for all fitness level, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RTrWKy11P...
37 Min Toned Legs + Booty
The burn is real with this lower body focussed series, be prepared to work! (weight optional). Warm-up and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels. Modifications are given.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band, dumbbell or weighted object, chair (or any elevated surface)
Suggested ...
20 Min Express Booty Burn
Fire up the legs + booty with this 20 min quickie series focussed on building and toning the peach! No warm-up or cool-down included. Recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended Equipment: Booty Band
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8...
40 Min Lower Body Sculpt
Fire up the legs + booty with this lower body series focussed on strengthening, toning & sculpting! Warm-up and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels. Workout can be done body weight
Recommended equipment: Set of dumbbells or weighted objects + SWK booty band
Suggested Spotify ...
40 Min Lower Body Sculpt
A series to strengthen and tone the legs and booty combining strength, conditioning and body weight! Warm-up and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.sp...
10 Min Banded Glute Burn
A quickie glute activation series that will turn on, strengthen and warmup the entire booty! Great as an activation/warmup series prior to a leg day or a killer short series if you're pressed on time. Recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band
Suggested Spotify Playli...
21 Min Banded Booty
Burn out the lower body and tone the booty with this quickie banded series! Recommended for all fitness levels, weight and band optional.
Recommended Equipment: Booty Band, dumbbells or weighted objects (optional)
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mf...
51 Min Legs, Butt + Core
Tone your legs, butt and core with this spicy series that incorporates strength and sculpting work! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended Equipment: Ankle weights, dumbbells or weighted objects
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open....
19 Min Beginner Legs, Butt + Abs
Body weight beginner lower body and core series focussed on foundations, form and proper activation! Recommended for individuals who are just starting on their fitness journey.
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RTrWKy...
17 Min Beginner Legs + Booty
Beginner body weight lower body series focussed on proper alignment, engagement and activation! Recommended for individuals just getting back into their fitness routine.
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights are optional
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/us...
16 Min Standing Legs
Quickie standing leg series focussed on activating and engaging the legs and butt, ankle weights optional! No warmup or cool down included
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RTrWKy...
23 Min Banded Legs + Booty
Burn out the legs and booty with this spicy series by using a band only OR opt for body weight. No warmup or cool down included. Recommended for all fitness levels.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031...
29 Min Legs + Booty (Ankle Weight)
Fire up the legs and booty with this series focussed on activating all the parts of the lower body! The workout is done with ankle weights but you can also use just your body weight. No warmup or cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels!
Recommended Equipment: Ankle weights
35 Min Lower Body Sculpt
Spice up your legs and booty with this lower body series focussed on strengthening and toning! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted household objects
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.co...
16 Min Banded Glutes
Quickie banded legs and booty series to fire up the lower body! Workout can also be completed body weight. Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down not included.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5...
9/9 - Lower Body Live Workout
Spice up your legs and booty with this lower body series focussed on strengthening and toning! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted household objects
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.co...
58 Min Leg + Booty Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full lower body with this leg + booty focussed series! Warmup and cooldown included, recommended for all fitness levels. Series can also be done bodyweight.
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects, booty band
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey...
60 Min Legs, Booty + Core
Fire up the legs, butt and core with this strength focussed series hitting all the right places! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels as modifications are provided
Recommended equipment: dumbbells or weighted objects, ankle weights and booty band (all optional)
1/11/12 - Abs + Butt Live workout
Burn out the booty and core while getting the heart rate up with this live series!
Recommended Equipment: Booty band and weight (optional)
36 Min Lower Body Sculpt
Strengthen and sculpt your legs + booty with this firey lower body series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1...
9/11/22 - 30 Min Booty + Core Live Workout
Sculpt and strengthen your booty + core with this live SWK workout! Please note workout BEGINS 5 minutes in.
Recommended Equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
6/15 - Butt + Core Live Workout
Tone, sculpt and strengthen the booty and core with this live series!
Recommended Equipment: Ankle weights, dumbbell or weighted household objects (optional)
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RTrWKy11P40NSEQ
33 Min Toned Legs + Booty
Tone and sculpt your legs and butt w/ as we seriously narrow in on burning out the lower bod! Warmup included, recommended for all fitness levels
Recommended equipment: Booty band
Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RT...
11/22 - Toned Butt + Core Live Workout
Burnout your lower body and core with this series focussed on toning and sculpting!
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights + dumbbells or weighted objects