We're officially half way there!! Welcome to week 5 of the Summer Challenge! Follow each series in order Monday-Sunday with Saturday being a rest day (no scheduled video - we recommend an outdoor activity!)

Monday: 22 Min Full Body Sculpt *new* & Meditate
Tuesday: 24 Min Mobility + Core
Wednesday: 18 Min Standing Arms *new* + Meditate
Thursday: 27 Min Tone + Flow
Friday: 25 Min Lower Body Sculpt + Meditate
Saturday: 30/60 Min Outdoor Walk/Run
Sunday: 12 Min Full Body HIIT + Meditate

Mindfulness series are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday but do them as you please! Tuesday 8am est live community workout: https://www.amazon.com/live/broadcast/7d727661-5076-43c9-a124-f69cd3c11fd7?tag=kelseyroseher-20&linkCode=ilv&ref_=social

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support [email protected]. Happy moving, breathing and healthy eating beauties xx

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  • Empowered Mindset Meditation

    'Today is going to be a good day' with this empowering affirmation meditation that will get you feeling good and ready to take on the day!

  • 22 Min Full Body Sculpt

    Tone and sculpt your full body with this series incorporating strength and conditioning! No warmup or cool down. Recommended for all fitness levels.

    *music and exercise list included*

    Recommended equipment: medium dumbbells

  • Tuesday: 24 Min Mobility + Core

    Flow your way through a low impact series focussed on releasing tension + activating the core! Recommended for rest/recovery days or as a warmup.

    Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4mfh5b1lso2w8au031vgwy3z?si=AvMexx5RTrWKy11P40NSEQ

  • Breathwork: Higher Self

    A grounding meditation by Holistic Honey, designed to connect you to the best version of you!

  • 18 Min Standing Arms & Core

    Sculpt and strengthen your arms and abs with this standing series aimed to snatch your upper body! No warmup or cooldown included in this quickie series

    *music included*

    Recommended equipment: light hand weights, medium weights

  • 27 Min Tone + Flow

    Tone and flow your way through a low impact full body series focussed on sculpting! Recommended for all fitness levels.

    *music included*

    Recommended equipment: ankle weights, light hand weights

  • Serotonin Boost Meditation

    A guided meditation to boost your mood and emotional energy for the day with a simple practice you can do anytime, anywhere.

  • 25 Min Lower Body Sculpt

    Lower body series focussed on sculpting and strengthening the legs, booty and thighs! No warmup or cooldown included.

    ***NEW: exercises listed in the first 10 seconds for anyone who does not want to follow along!

    Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects

    Music and exerc...

  • 12 Min Cardio HIIT

    A quickie HIIT sweat targeting the entire body in only 12 minutes, no equipment needed! Recommended for all fitness levels. No warmup or cool down included.

    Recommended Equipment: Ankle or wrist weights are optional

    Suggested Spotify Playlists Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spotify.com/user/e4...

  • Breathwork: Wind Down

    A breathwork practice by Holistic Honey, designed to release stuck energy and wind down after a long day!