Hello week 2!! Follow each series in order Monday-Sunday with Saturday being a rest day (no scheduled video - we recommend an outdoor activity!)

Mindfulness series are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday but do them as you please!

Monday: 35 Min Full Body Sculpt
Tuesday: 25 Mobility + Core
Wednesday: 37 Min Arms & Abs *new*
Thursday: 32 Min Tone & Flow
Friday: 38 Min Lower Body Sculpt *new*
Saturday: 30/60 Min Outdoor Walk/Run
Sunday: 17 Min Power Flow

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support [email protected]. Happy moving, breathing and healthy eating beauties xx

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  • Realign Meal Plan: Week 2

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  • Monday: Energy Boost Guided Meditation *new*

    Harnessing the power of your breath, you will be guided through a technique that will supercharge your brain, body and bloodstream with life giving oxygen so you feel energized to take on the day.

    *If you feel light headed during this meditation, switch back to normal breaths and resume when re...

  • 35 Min Full Body Sculpt

    Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.

    *music included*

    Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects and ankle weights are optional

  • Tuesday: 25 Min Mobility

    Release tension in your full body and open up your joints with this mobility flow!

    Body weight series recommended for all fitness levels.

  • Sunday: 12 Min Abs

    Burn out your core with this quickie ab series targeting the deep core! Series recommended for all fitness levels. Body weight - no equipment needed!

    *music included*

  • Wednesday: Breathwork: Morning Ritual *new*

    Start your new year strong with a consistent morning ritual breathwork

  • Wednesday: 37 Min Arms & Abs *new*

    Strengthen and tone the upper body and abs with this sculpt focussed series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cooldown included.

    *music included*

    Recommended Equipment: Light & medium set of dumbbells or weighted objects

  • Thursday: 32 Min Tone & Flow

    Tone and flow your way through a low impact, full body series. Don't underestimate it!

    *music and exercise list NOT included*

    Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights

  • Friday: Root Chakra Healing *new*

    Feeling safe, grounded and regulated are key components to a healthy mind and body, so in this meditation you will have the chance to do just that.

  • Friday: 38 Min Lower Body Sculpt *new*

    Lower body series focussed on sculpting and strengthening the legs, booty and thighs! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.

    Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects

  • Alternate Channel *new*

    This breathing practice will calm the thinking mind and relax the body by focusing on a simple yet powerful breathing cadence.

  • 17 Min Power Flow

    Fire up the full body with this quickie low impact pilates inspired series! Perfect for all fitness levels. Can be done body weight.

    Recommended equipment: Ankle weights and light hand weights