Hello week 2!! Follow each series in order Monday-Sunday with Saturday being a rest day (no scheduled video - we recommend an outdoor activity!)
Mindfulness series are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday but do them as you please!
Monday: 35 Min Full Body Sculpt
Tuesday: 25 Mobility + Core
Wednesday: 37 Min Arms & Abs *new*
Thursday: 32 Min Tone & Flow
Friday: 38 Min Lower Body Sculpt *new*
Saturday: 30/60 Min Outdoor Walk/Run
Sunday: 17 Min Power Flow
If you have any questions, please reach out to our support [email protected]. Happy moving, breathing and healthy eating beauties xx
Monday: Energy Boost Guided Meditation *new*
Harnessing the power of your breath, you will be guided through a technique that will supercharge your brain, body and bloodstream with life giving oxygen so you feel energized to take on the day.
*If you feel light headed during this meditation, switch back to normal breaths and resume when re...
35 Min Full Body Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects and ankle weights are optional
Tuesday: 25 Min Mobility
Release tension in your full body and open up your joints with this mobility flow!
Body weight series recommended for all fitness levels.
Sunday: 12 Min Abs
Burn out your core with this quickie ab series targeting the deep core! Series recommended for all fitness levels. Body weight - no equipment needed!
*music included*
Wednesday: Breathwork: Morning Ritual *new*
Start your new year strong with a consistent morning ritual breathwork
Wednesday: 37 Min Arms & Abs *new*
Strengthen and tone the upper body and abs with this sculpt focussed series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cooldown included.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Light & medium set of dumbbells or weighted objects
Thursday: 32 Min Tone & Flow
Tone and flow your way through a low impact, full body series. Don't underestimate it!
*music and exercise list NOT included*
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights
Friday: Root Chakra Healing *new*
Feeling safe, grounded and regulated are key components to a healthy mind and body, so in this meditation you will have the chance to do just that.
Friday: 38 Min Lower Body Sculpt *new*
Lower body series focussed on sculpting and strengthening the legs, booty and thighs! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
Alternate Channel *new*
This breathing practice will calm the thinking mind and relax the body by focusing on a simple yet powerful breathing cadence.
17 Min Power Flow
Fire up the full body with this quickie low impact pilates inspired series! Perfect for all fitness levels. Can be done body weight.
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights and light hand weights