27 Min Arms & Abs
Arms + Abs
Sculpt and strengthen your arms and core with this upper body series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
*music included*
Recommended equipment: light & medium set of dumbbells or household objects
Up Next in Arms + Abs
10 Min Abs
Burn out your core with this quickie ab series targeting the deep core! Series recommended for all fitness levels. Body weight - no equipment needed!
*music included*
17 Min Arms
Tone and sculpt your upper body with this quickie but effective arm series!
*music and exercise list included*
Recommended equipment: light/medium weights
37 Min Arms & Abs *new*
Strengthen and tone the upper body and abs with this sculpt focussed series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cooldown included.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Light & medium set of dumbbells or weighted objects