Release tension and mobilize your joints with this full body mobility flow! Recommended for warmup, cooldown or when looking for a series for active recovery.
*No music or exercise list included
Up Next in WEEK 6
10 Min Abs
Burn out your core with this quickie ab series targeting the deep core! Series recommended for all fitness levels. Body weight - no equipment needed!
*music included*
Breathwork: Remove Limiting Beliefs
Remove limiting beliefs and release old patterns that stop you from achieving your goals and becoming the best version of yourself. Use the breath to get you in a meditative, rhythmic state and unlock the physical and mental blockages.
18 Min Standing Arms & Core
Sculpt and strengthen your arms and abs with this standing series aimed to snatch your upper body! No warmup or cooldown included in this quickie series
*music included*
Recommended equipment: light hand weights, medium weights