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Sculpt and strengthen your arms and abs with this standing series aimed to snatch your upper body! No warmup or cooldown included in this quickie series
*music included*
Recommended equipment: light hand weights, medium weights
Up Next in WEEK 2 - December Challenge
29 Min Tone & Flow
Tone and flow your way through a low impact, full body series incorporating pilates, mobility + yoga.
*No music or exercise list included
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights.
Friday: Just Breathe Meditation
A chance for you to connect to your body, breath and the calm and clarity of the present moment
21 Min Banded Legs & Booty
Sculpt the booty and tone-up the legs with this lower body spicy banded series! Recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended equipment: Booty band, medium dumbbell