Tone and flow your full body through this low impact series that will fire up the body!
*music included*
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights
Up Next in WEEK 2
Monday: Power of Presence Meditation
Breathe into the power, possibility, peace and potential of the present moment
28 Min Booty Cardio Sculpt
Sweat, shake and tone your lower body with this booty focussed series. Prepared to be SORE! Recommended for all fitness levels, no warmup or cooldown included.
*Music and exercise list included*
Recommended equipment: Booty band. medium dumbbell or household weighted object
Breathwork: Calm the Chaos
The Holidays can be a stressful time when everything feels overwhelming and your nervous system can't catch a break. Use this breathwork to calm the chaos, slow everything down and come back into the present moment with the power of your breath.