Fire up the full body with this quickie low impact pilates inspired series! Perfect for all fitness levels. Can be done body weight.
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights and light hand weights
Up Next in Full Body
32 Min Full Body Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects, booty band, ankle weights
36 Min Tone & Flow
Tone and flow your way through a low impact, body weight series strengthening mind + body!
*music included*
Recommended equipment: Ankle weights, light hand weights
Monday: 32 Min Full Body Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended equipment: Dumbbells and booty band