Increase your range of movement and alleviate pain + tension with this full body mobility series. Recommended prior to workout or as your daily movement.
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey:
Up Next in Luteal & Menstruation Phase
17 Min Neck + Shoulder Mobility and R...
Relieve stress and tension in the neck and shoulders with this upper body focussed mobility series! The perfect pre workout series or incorporate it throughout your day if you're WFH and craving an opener to relieve and relax your muscles.
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://op...
11 Min Power Core
Try this short but spicy series to get your core activated and fired up for the day! The perfect finisher or short series if you're pressed for time. No equipment needed, pre-workout hip mobility recommended
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey:
20 Mobility + Core
The perfect combination of quickie core and mobility work to open and fire up the body for the day! This routine can be done on it's own or as an active warmup before another series.
Recommended Equipment: Ankle Weights (optional)
Suggested Spotify Playlist Curated by Kelsey: https://open.spoti...