Tone and sculpt your upper body with this quickie but effective arm series!
*music and exercise list included*
Recommended equipment: light/medium weights
Up Next in Follicular & Ovulation Phase
40 Min Arms & Abs
Strengthen and tone the upper body and abs with this sculpt focussed series! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cooldown included.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects
35 Min Full Body Sculpt
Sculpt and strengthen your full body while getting your heart rate up w/ this total body series! Warmup and cool down included, recommended for all fitness levels.
*music included*
Recommended Equipment: Dumbbells or weighted objects and ankle weights are optional
42 Min Lower Body Sculpt
Lower body series focussed on sculpting and strengthening the legs, booty and thighs! Recommended for all fitness levels, warmup and cool down included.
Recommended equipment: Booty band, dumbbells or weighted objects
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